Released in 2011, Frontier Whiskey created Bulliet Rye. It is now recognized as one of the highest quality ryes available.
Rye Whiskey gets its name because it must contain at least 51% rye in the mash bill. Bulleit Rye‘s high rye content gives it a bold, spicy characteristic and a distinctively smooth, clean finish. Frontier Whiskey uses Kentucky limestone-filtered water and charred American oak barrels to create its traditional flavor and smoky backbone. Bulleit Rye is a straight rye whiskey made from 95% rye and 5% malted barley.
Even Jim Tom from the hit tv show Moonshiners made a song about rye whiskey.
“Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, please don’t let me down.
I’m gonna take me a drink, then I’ll go roam around.
Check on my still stills and see if they’re okay.
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, please last me all day.”
~ Jim Tom Hendrick
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